Leigh Matthews, BA Hons, H.Dip. NT

Leigh Matthews, BA Hons, H.Dip. NT, is a novelist, science writer and long-time vegan, environmentalist, and zero-waste, self-sufficiency wannabe. Her work on solar policy has been published in the Canadian National Observer. Leigh’s personal website is: http://www.leighmatthews.xyz/

Are you wondering how effective and eco-friendly Kiss My Face shaving cream is? Here's our researched review and rating for the product.
Is your refrigerator on its last legs? Here are some eco-friendly tips for either revamping or discarding this kitchen appliance.
Are you struggling to find eco-friendly, non-toxic dog toys? Here are some ideas for toys you can make with things you already have at home.
Let's face it, trimming your lawn is hurting the environment. Keep these eco-friendly points in mind when purchasing your next lawn mower.
Tampons and pads are composed of synthetic materials. Know what to look out for in period products to avoid potential health complications.
yoga headstand building background
It’s slim pickings in the world of eco-friendly, non-toxic yoga mats. Here are some mats that ditch the VOCs for healthier yoga sessions.
Yoga mat certifications can be a bit of a mystery to the casual observer, but we're here to shine some light on them. Here's what you need to know.
Energy Star is typically touted as one of the clearest signs an appliance is energy efficient, but does the reputation hold up? Here's what to consider.
Woman applying nontoxic sunscreen to shoulder
Generic sunscreen often contains harmful chemicals. Here are the best natural, reef safe sunscreens that you should opt for instead.
two yoga mats on a wood floor
Anyone who's unrolled a new yoga mat is familiar with that 'new yoga mat smell' - but what you're smelling may actually be VOCs and dangerous chemicals.
DivaCup appears to be the industry leader when it comes to eco-friendly period products. Our LeafScore rating agrees with the notion - here's why.
There's a reason that Lodge is regarded as one of the best companies to go to for cast iron cookware, and we've rated it highly as such. Here's why.
Burt's Bees is a brand that's rapidly gaining popularity and recognition, but how eco-friendly is it? Here's our researched review.
opus aromatherapy showerhead
While lacking in specific certifications, this shower filter does adhere to a scientifically sound mechanism to help filter chlorine.
If you're looking for a whole house water filtration system, the iSpring carries enough eco-credentials to make it one worth considering.
Is vintage cookware safe?
Anyone who's traveled knows the temptation of snagging a piece of artisanal cookware to bring back home - but is that risky? Here's what to know.
The ZeroWater 40 Cup glass dispenser is without a doubt one of the best-looking filters on the market, but there are a few things we'd change if we could.
The Aquasana Rhino whole house water filter system is one of the most comprehensive whole-home water filtration systems on the market.
The Merkur brand carries with it a tradition of making fine safety razors that might just last you the rest of your life. Here's our take on the product.
The Aquasana AQ-4000 countertop water filter system easily takes our top pick in this category. Here's why you should consider getting one for your home.
Pacific Shaving Company offers a natural, plant-based shaving cream that scores high marks with our us thanks to its sustainable use of ingredients.
Gurus cork yoga mat
The Gurus Roots Yoga Mat is made with natural, sustainably sourced cork and rubber, meaning it's eco-friendly and non-toxic. Here's our review.
An eco-friendly, gas-powered lawn mower may sound a bit like an oxymoron, but they're a good option if an electric mower isn't your thing.
From a comfort and longevity perspective, silk can be a great choice for sheets. We break down the benefits of organic and peace silk.
Portable generators offer peace of mind in the face of a blackout. We've ranked the safest and most fuel-efficient ones here.
What we feed our furry family members is an important decision to make. Here's our roundup of the best sustainable, healthy dog food.
Air conditioners can be pricey and not totally necessary for some of us. Here are some alternative ways you can keep cool.
NYC air conditioner
While A/C isn’t the energy hog it used to be, there’s still a lot to consider when looking for an eco-friendly air conditioner.
Aluminum cookware can be a convenient option for certain situations like catering and camping, but it comes with its own set of safety risks.

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